Premium Tefillin
This set of Tefillin embodies the ultra highest level of halachic and aesthetic beauty. The scribe immersed himself in a Mikva (ritual bath) before the writing and sanctified every letter during the writing process by pronounciation and intent. All holy names of God where specially sanctified before writing.
The Tefillin are written according to the Kavanot of the Arizal.
The Batim are gassot, perudot until the end, hand crafted. The Retzuot are black on both sides.
Because of the meticulous craftsmanship involved, the production process takes time. Please note that from the moment of your order, it will take approximately two months for your tefillin to be completed and delivered.
This set of Tefillin embodies the ultra highest level of halachic and aesthetic beauty. The scribe immersed himself in a Mikva (ritual bath) before the writing and sanctified every letter during the writing process by pronounciation and intent. All holy names of God where specially sanctified before writing.
The Tefillin are written according to the Kavanot of the Arizal.
The Batim are gassot, perudot until the end, hand crafted. The Retzuot are black on both sides.
Because of the meticulous craftsmanship involved, the production process takes time. Please note that from the moment of your order, it will take approximately two months for your tefillin to be completed and delivered.